Wednesday 15 December 2010


Page park


Opening sequence presentations

These are my sheets of texual analysis for all genres for their opening sequences. We all sat down and watched 2 minutes of all genres and analyis: mise-en-scene, camera, editing, sound and generic conventions.

Monday 22 November 2010

Roland Barthes Theory

Roland Barthes: The language of signs.

*He argued that verbal language is just one way of communicating, other conclude:
  • Hairstyles
  • Clothing
  • Body Language
  • Make-up

Language is constructed by people to produce meanings within their coulture. It is only when we name objects and events that a defination is made.

3 parts to every sign.

  • The signifier - The physical form of the sign
  • The signified - The concept or idea that the signifier produces
  • The referent - The real thing, not the signal or the idea but the real individual thing.
Different cultures, different meanings...

* Shoes considered offensive

* Flag as a sacred object

* Making eye contact considered offensive

* White symbolising

Signifer Signified

A red nose Love

An empty chair Loneliness

A shaved head My dad?

A leather jacket Biker (charlie?)

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Codes & Conventions

The codes and conventions for comedy/drama (dramedy) are:

  • Realistic characters dealing with emotitional themes
  • Puts the characters in conflict with themselves
  • Balanced out with both drama and comedy
  • Alot of humor is involved
  • Throughout the film the main character (or the character who has the humour..) is happy!
  • They generally have a happy ending.

Prelim task

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Evaluation of prelim task

When we finnished editing our short film we realised there was a problem with the change of angle from the over the shoulder shot to the dutch shot, this is a jump shot which shouldnt happen. we added a close shot of me to ressolve this problem. The camera work was very shaky, but we couldnt help this as we were given a broken tripod.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

High angle shot

A high angle shot is when your looking down on someone, sometimes to show power.

An over the shoulder shot

An over the shoulder shot is a shot of someones back with another person in the background, to show someone talking to someone else over their shoulder.

A two shot

A shot is a shot with two people in, showing they are friends or have something in common.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Why i chose media?

I chose Media as I really enjoyed it when I took it in yr 10 and 11 and received a B at GSCE. I am a very creative person, so I find Media very interesting and fun. One day i hope to work in the Media industry so i plan to do a media course when i leave sixth form. Hopefully i do as well this year as i did the last two years.

Monday 11 October 2010

The Effects Theory

The Hypodermic Needle Theory is when something is 'injected' into you, its something the media forces into your head and make you believe everything you are told, even if they are untrue.


Monday 4 October 2010


Lil Wayne is portrayed as a gangster rapper who brags about owning a lot of money and is extremely rich, he shows this off by using expensive props in his videos and raps about how wealthy he is. He is probably one of the most famous rappers alive and he inspires a lot of younger people. Although he is many people's idols he isn't the most sensible man in the world as he has just been released from prison for having possession of an unlisenced gun. He was in there for 8months but has been let out for good behaviour.