Monday 17 January 2011

Plan for production

I have yet to have completed my storyboards so i don't think we are ready to film just yet. But now i have almost completed my blog i believe i can finnish my storyboard by the weekend so we should be able to atleast plan to film on the 23rd of january. As it will be on a sunday we may not be able to film at Soundwell Leisure Centre so were more likely to be filming in Page Park all being well that it doesnt rain. Also sunday sounds good as hopefully as there are alot of people involved in our film, sundays are boring and im hoping we can all make it.

Roles & Responsibilities

Main Characters

Luigi - Russell Peters.
Matt - Jordan Luke (Bristol Bishops firm leader)
Jake Bullett - Jesse Burgess (Rotherham Rooks film leader)

Bristol Bishops

Ben Scragg
Charlie Simpson
Steve Widger

Rotherham Rooks

Scott Lovell
Cameron Widger
Liam Riddle
Terry-Baker Haynes

Filming Crew

Director - Jack Hubbard

Potential locations & props

We are hoping to film in either Page Park as Greenstreet's voilence, fights and action always happened outside wether that was on the streets or at football games. Other than that we thought we could film in Soundwell Leisure Centre, as that is where sports are played. Although chess may not be classed as a sport by a lot of people it still is and seeing as it is a comedy we thought it would be relevent (probably un-relevent really..) to shoot the film in a sports centre!

Obviously we are going to need a chess board along with chess pieces. We may need more than one, as we could have two games comencing at the same time. The gangs are going to have baseball bats. Although i dont think they are really going to use them towards eachother. Hoodies are definatly part of the costumes that the youths are going to have to wear.


When watching a sports comedy do you like to know what is happening straight away or a bit of tension?

Yes - 5
No - 5

Which one of these is your favourite sports comedy film?

Dodgeball - 6
Blades of Glory - 2
Talladega - 1
Balls of Fury - 1

Whos is your favourite comedy antagonist?

Will Ferell - 4
BenStiller - 3
Vince Vaughn - 2
Justin Lone - 1

What is your favourite sports comedy sub-genre?

Chess - 3
Tennis - 4
Dodgeball - 3

Where is the best setting for a sports comedy?

In a gym/sports facility - 7
A park - 2
On the street - 1


Our film cercificate is going to be a 15 because although it has voilence involved, the main genre is comedy. But if it wasnt for the humour of the film it would definatly be a 18 as the voilence would be too much for a 15 year old. As it is about sport it is more directed towards males and hopefully ill be interested in sport or even maybe chess and obviously comedy.

Texual analysis

Dodgeball is our inspiration for the humour side of our film. As it is a sports comedy, it relates to ours completly! I notcied in the trailer that it has a lot of generic conventions for the genre, comedy such as fast, cloe up shots. Typically they empahsis everything to make the action look over the top. Like our film, dodgeball isnt taken seriously.. niether will chess!!!

Target audience

The target audience for Knight Square would be aimed at teenagers from the age of 15 to the age 20 as it has some voilence but also alot of humour. Greenstreet is the film linked to the voilent side of Knight square, but Dodgeball which is portrayed as a comedy.. which links towards the humorous side. Our film is swaying more towards the comedy side rather than the voilent side as we think it suited our storyline better, as noone is going to take gangs who compete over chess, seriously! Also we wouldnt be able to film voilence, as im sure noone would like to get battered with a baseball bat, we're just going to film very subtle voilence e.g. throwing chess pieces at eachother when the gang who looses gets very competetive, plus we have to make it over the top as that is very common in comedies.


Me and jack had some good feedback from our presentation and extended the feedback by creating a questionaire asking our fellow friends wether they would take chess gangs seriously as Greenstreet is very voilent. They also introduced the idea of the seriousness of chess being taken too far as it was more of a comedy than a sports hooliganism drama film.

Treatmeant: Knight Sqaure

In the present day in La Thuile, Italy. Luigi gets kicked out of university after taking weed. He moves to Bristol to live with his english cousin Matt,where he introduces Luigi to the hardcore game of chess. Luigi is fooled into believing its a game for nerds, little does he know how extreme it really is. He ends up being sucked into the brutal world of chess firms, also discovering that once he becomes part of it he cannot leave.... Luigi and Matt face some of britain's hardest chess firms in an attempt to save the reputation of the Bristol Bishops. There hardest challenge comes when they re-face the Rotherham Rooks, possibly the toughest firm in England. This battle is likely to end up with blood, injurys and death, aiming to restore the pride and passion of their beloved firms.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Genre research

Greenstreet is the inspiration of our film opening of voilence between two gangs fighting to win a game of chess! Our film opening isn't as bad and voilent as Geenstreet but the whole idea of two gangs fighting/arguing over a sport is the main reason we have chosen this genre.


I am choosing to do "sports comedy" which involves humour and violence so could also be seen as drama. Our inspiration to do a film opening in this genre is "Greenstreet" but instead of involving gangs fighting over football we are using gangs fighting over chess!!!!!!!!